The criminal process can move very quickly, or it can move at a snail’s pace. There are numerous factors that play a role in how long any particular criminal proceeding will take. For example, if you have been charged with drug possession and there is a good chance you can have the matter resolved outside the courtroom, then the entire process may take no more than six months or one year. However, if you have been charged with attempted murder, for example, your trial may not go forward for more than one year or even longer. You are at the mercy of the court’s schedule as well as the prosecutor’s trial schedule. Marc A. Joseph, P.A. can give you an estimate of how long the criminal process will take for you based on the nature and severity of your criminal charge.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean in lectus tincidunt, dictum turpis ut, viverra metus. Curabit ur a nisi eget est tempor volutpat.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean in lectus tincidunt, dictum turpis ut, viverra metus. Curabit ur a nisi eget est tempor volutpat.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean in lectus tincidunt, dictum turpis ut, viverra metus. Curabit ur a nisi eget est tempor volutpat.